DCM Shriram Sugar Private Limited celebrated their 25th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, we told the company’s story in a beautifully designed coffee table book filled with 25 years of sweet stories.
How to create special coffee table book to celebrate a company’s silver jubilee.
From the building of the very first factory to the company’s expansion into multiple towns with new factories and products. Extracted from many interviews, supplemented and verified by the archives team at DCM Shriram, this coffee table book was conceptualised, written and put together by EFGH.
From the company directors to farmers, and everyone in between, as well as partners, all shared anecdotes along with their memories and experience with the company.
There were a number of great stories for which the archives did not have pictures. We brought in an illustrator to bring to life some of the incidents and anecdotes.

How does one put together the twenty-five year history of a company without merely stating events, statistics and dates on a timeline like a dry history book? EFGH had its work cut out to conceptualise, write and design a coffee table book that would do justice to the company’s rich legacy and the occasion of its silver jubilee.
EFGH collaborated with seasoned journalist Vivian Fernandes, who conducted 64 interviews spanning the company Directors, employees and partners, to farmers and villagers across a number of geographies. The DCM Shriram Archives team provided support with historical accuracy and photos from the archives.
It was a challenge for EFGH to pore through each of those 64 interviews containing historical and statistical data, and personal experiences - many times over - to extract connected incidents and topics, stitch them together, and then write the stories like an author would. But we managed to dig out some wonderfully interesting stories after all. Illustrators were specially brought in to visualise some of the historical anecdotes for which there were no archival photos.
What we ended up with was a rewarding book that painted a truly human retrospective of the company’s history, its challenges and successes, its culture and principles, its impact, and much more. We simply told the story as seen through the eyes of its people and, indeed, it turned out to be ‘Twenty-five Sweet Years of Stories’.